824 research outputs found

    Atoms of None of the Elements Ionize While Atoms of Inert Behavior Split by Photonic Current

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    As studied, atoms deal with the positive or negative charge by losing or gaining an electron. However, the gaseous and solid atoms can execute interstate electron dynamics. They can also deal with transition states. Solid atoms can elongate from the east-west poles at the ground surface level. Under suitable energy, solid atoms can expand, and gaseous atoms can contract. When the excessive field is intact, flowing inert gas atoms can split. The splitting inert gas atoms convert into electron streams. Those electron streams carrying the photons when impinging on the naturally-elongated solid atoms, further elongation of the atoms takes place. If not, elongated atoms at least deform. Gaseous atoms can squeeze by the suffering of their lattices. Such behaviors of the atoms validate that they cannot ionize. On splitting the flowing inert gas atoms, characteristics of the photons become apparent. Those photons that are not carried by the electron streams can enter the air medium directly. On traveling photons in the air medium, their energy dissipates in heat, and their force confines in the form of a field. On confinement of the field of traveling photons with the field of air-medium, a glow of light is appeared, which is better known in plasma. The splitting of inert gas atoms, the carrying of photons by the electron streams, and the lighting of traveling photons validate that an electric current is photonic. In various microscopes, the magnification of an image is based on the resolving power of photons. Photonic current is due to the propagation of the photons in the structure of the interstate electron gap. Some well-known principles are also discussed, validating that an electric current is a photonic current. Indeed, this study brings about profound changes in science

    Wheat Self-sufficiency in Different Policy Scenarios and Their Likely Impacts on Producers, Consumers, and the Public Exchequer

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    Every government faces a challenge to select an optimum policy to provide food supplies to the consumers at a reasonable price and maintain a reasonable nutritional standard. The alternative policy options available are an uninterrupted market, imports, input subsidies, price support, combined policy developed by the combination of input subsidy and price support, and investment on research and infrastructure development. This paper analyses the impact of these options on consumers’ and producers’ welfare, tax revenue, and foreign exchange requirement. The import and input subsidy give net return to the society while price support generates net loss. The triple combined policy option generates the highest net return to the society when each import and input subsidy component is combined with price support in the ratio of 40 and 20 percent, respectively. The best policies to provide higher wheat supplies at lower prices and to improve the welfare of consumers and producers were investment on agricultural research and development of irrigation infrastructure in the long run, but for the short run, the first and the second best option were respectively the combined and the input subsidy policy.

    Morphology and Structure of Carbon Films Deposited at Varying Chamber Pressures

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    Depositing thin and thick films through different types of deposition units is a topic of great interest. In deposition chamber, each synthesis is carried out at some value of chamber pressure. In addition to different gases, photon energy also exists in the deposition chamber. Upon dissociation of methane by hot-filaments, the conversion rate of gaseous carbon atoms into graphite and diamond atoms varies largely at varying chamber pressures. Increase in the chamber pressure from 3.3 kPa to 14 kPa changes the morphology and structure of carbon films comprising tiny grains, grains and particles. The increase in chamber pressure upto 8.6 kPa increases the growth rate of a carbon film along with discernible features of grains and particles. For intermediate set chamber pressures, the conversion rate of gaseous carbon atoms into diamond state is high. At high set chamber pressures, gaseous carbon atoms converted into graphite state at high rate. However, film with low growth rate is deposited. At fixed input power, temperature of the hot-filaments changes due to contamination. So, collision rate of gases is also varied at varying chamber pressures. As a result, a different amount of atomic hydrogen is dissociated. Hence, a different amount of typical energy is etched. Atomic hydrogen etches the photon energy into typical energy shape like parabola, which is involved in the conversion of gaseous carbon atoms to graphite and diamond states. Graphite atoms bind under the same involved energy. Atomic hydrogen etches the photon energy and unused parabola shaped energy into typical energy shape like golf-stick, too, which is involved in the process of binding diamond atoms. So, this study sets new trends in the deposition of carbon films

    Effects of the Electronic Structure, Phase Transition and Localized Dynamics of Atoms in the Formation of Tiny Particles of Gold

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    In addition to the self-governing properties, tiny metallic colloids are the building blocks of larger particles. This topic has been a subject of many studies. Tiny particles of different sizes developed under three different experiments are discussed in this work. The development of a tiny-sized particle depends on the attained dynamics of atoms. When atoms of the compact monolayer assembly bind by a nanoenergy packet, the developed tiny-sized particle elongates atoms of arrays into the structures of smooth elements at the solution surface. The impinging electron streams at a fixed angle can elongate the already elongated atoms of arrays. Travelling photons along the interface influence the modified atoms. Gold atoms can also develop different tiny particles inside the solution. In addition to the dynamics of atoms, miscellaneous factors can contribute in the development of such tiny particles. Atoms in the form of tiny clusters can also amalgamate to develop a tiny-sized particle. In the third kind of tiny particle, amalgamated atoms can bind by executing electron dynamics. However, not all of the atoms can bind by the electron dynamics. This study very concisely highlights the fundamental process of developing a variety of tiny particles in which electronic structure, phase transition and localized dynamics of gold atoms influence the structure. The study targets the specific discussion that how atoms of tiny-sized particles bind, and how travelling photons along the air-solution interface influence their structure. Several possibilities may be opened through pulse-based process to develop engineered materials

    The impact of new technologies on the digital generation: a critical analysis and review of policy making in Australia

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia da Educação, Desenvolvimento e Aconselhamento, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraCom o presente estudo pretende-se avaliar a qualidade de vida em jogadores de alta competição e compreender a lesão como factor condicionante de reintegração na equipa. O desporto de alta competição acaba sempre por garantir contacto com formas de percepção de qualidade de vida exercendo inúmeras influências sobre o bem-estar e no sentido ao qual se costuma associar uma boa vida. Move-se por esferas ligadas à saúde, educação, convívio social, mercado, lazer e entretenimento. A área desportiva tem sido alvo de uma maior atenção por parte dos profissionais de saúde nos últimos anos, sendo que, actualmente, a presença do psicólogo nas equipas de futebol é cada vez maior e mais importante. Deste modo a lesão desportiva constitui um flagelo para os atletas sendo a área de maior intervenção destes profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente do massagista/enfermeiro, do médico, do fisioterapeuta e, mais recentemente, também do psicólogo, na recuperação da parte psicológica prestando assim os cuidados complementares de que o jogador de futebol de alta competição necessita. Sendo uma aposta recente por parte dos clubes esta é uma área onde é notória a carência de estudos relacionados com o papel e intervenção do psicólogo, pelo que este estudo pretende conhecer melhor e dar a conhecer o papel desenvolvido pelo psicólogo e a sua importância neste âmbito, o que levou à questão da investigação: a lesão é factor condicionante na reintegração do atleta na equipa, interferindo na sua qualidade de vida como atleta de alta competição? De forma a responder a esta questão formularam-se as seguintes premissas: identificar o sentimento associado ao momento da lesão, reconhecer qual o grau de suporte psicológico ao nível familiar, dos pares e estrutura do clube onde está inserido e nomear os sentimentos associados ao momento da reintegração na equipa após a sua recuperação. Optou-se pela realização de um estudo de carácter qualitativo, do tipo exploratório- descritivo, onde, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, a três jogadores de futebol de alta competição, escolhidos por selecção racional, que compreendem a língua portuguesa, dão a conhecer a sua experiência de vida.The present study aims to assess life quality of players in high competitions and understand the sport injury as a conditioning factor in the reintegration in the main team. The top level sport always comes to ensure contact with how we perceived the life quality, having numerous influences on the human well-being and in order to which we usually associate what we call having a good life. Sport moves in very different spheres of life related to health, education, social interaction, market, leisure and entertainment. The sport topic has been subject to greater attention from health professionals, in recent years, and today the presence of psychologists in football teams is increasing an becoming very important. Thus the sport injury is a scourge for athletes, it is also the biggest intervention of these health professionals, including the therapist/nurse, physician, physical therapist, and more recently, the psychologist, in the mind recovery, also providing the complementary care that the football player of high competition needs. Being a recent attempt on high competition football teams is an issue where there is a notorious lack of studies related to the role and intervention of the psychologist, so this study aims to better know and make known the role played by those professionals and their importance in this context, which led to the research question: is the sport injury a factor conditioning the reinstatement of the athlete on the main team, impacting their life quality as an athlete of high competition? In order to answer this question there are some following assumptions: identify the feelings associated with the time of the injury, recognize the degree of psychological support given by the family, the peers and the team structure where they fit and name the feelings associated with the time of reintegration after the recovery. The study is manly qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, which through semi-structured interview, the three high competition football players, chosen by rational selection and understood the Portuguese language, talked about their life experience

    Dreams and plans : how do Muslim youth in Stavanger region think of their future?

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    Master's thesis in global studies. School of Mission and Theology, December 201
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